Ansible Role for NGINX, UWSGI and Supervisor Released!

What better way to start 2015 than to release new software?

As part of my efforts to create Rookeries, a modern Python-based CMS as a replacement for my WordPress sites: I am releasing an Ansible role to make it easier to setup WSGI apps on a private server.

The nginx-uwsgi-supervisor role is available on Ansible Galaxy.   This role setup NGINX and the UWSGI (WSGI app server) and supervisord infrastructure to make installing Rookeries or another WSGI app a breeze.   The goal is to make a Rookeries site as easy or easier to install and maintain than a WordPress site.

All the code for the role is host on Bitbucket, and mirrored on Github.

I am especially excited since this my first ever, fully functional, open source release.  I hope enjoy using and makes their life easier when build webapps in Python.