Updates for 2009-12-15

  • Hurrah. Quick hack almost ready for release. #
  • Wow. #Facebook privacy controls are open to all by default? Talk about bad default settings. Remember to audit your #Facebook content. #
  • Oops. I just found out that a bunch of people responded to my call for help with #justcheckers. Damn #gmail spam filters. #
  • Another great #shotofjaq episode. Love the idea of buying service from a technically adept #ISP. Most of those are way too expensive. 🙁 #
  • To speak like yoda I plan on learning how: I know this, old for many of you, must be. Herh herh herh. #
  • Getting the hang of #PL/SQL. Coming to the tricky part of my stored procedure, a merge of sorts. How to select inside a conditional… #
  • Wishing a #lightondark theme for Windows XP along with something for PDFs and webpages, right about now. Eyes melting… #

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