Every so often I like to look back and review my achievements. In the past I did it so rarely, that I just looked my current work and the few things I remembered made it look like I achieved little throughout the year. So I’ll try to do a quick review for January here.
In writing, I started to edit a bit of chapter 1 of my book. I planned on writing substantially more, but this didn’t occur as I didn’t work on my novel systematically. However I did manage to restart more or less daily updates to my blog. Now with the move to the new blogging application, I feel more productive and more in control. I still need to clean up and improve my blog since my migration from Blogger to WordPress. This next month, I plan on adding regular writing sessions for my novel.
In computing, did manage to purchase a new personal domain. I set up this WordPress blog on this too. I tried to setup clean URLs on my Drupal sites. But for all my attempts, I could not setup my Drupal multi-site as planned. Aside from a bit of maintenance, I still need to organize a good chunk of my files on my desktop at home. The Internet Tablet still needs to shine in terms of really boosting my productivity. For the time being, I use it more as a MSN client on the run and as a podcast-capable MP3 player. This month, I will need to set some time aside and add GTD task management as something I can do on my tablet. Also I plan on spending time organizing my desktop and digitized life.
I won’t get into my personal achievements. However I will mention that I am keeping up with regular communication with old good friends and some new ones. And I try to respond in reasonable amount of time. I still need to get a cellphone though. And the wintery weather prevented me from doing any driving. But I am keeping up with my resolution to eat my own cooked food and being ready for work consistently. And my finances are in check and all accounted for. This February, I need to keep at it, better controlling my stress levels and making sure I continue growing.
On the professional side, I haven’t achieved my goals of learning Qt, GTK, C++ or maemo development. Did however reviewed and strengthened my UML diagramming skills. I am becoming a better, more visibly calm and upbeat consultant. I still need learn to exude more calmness and in-control feeling. I am managing to avoid most potential disasters at work. So this month, I plan on brushing up and acquiring new programming skills.
Overall, I would consider January a month of personal growth. I can’t say I achieved 1/12 of everything I want to achieve this year. But I managed to get a sound base to start expanding upon. Some major projects still need to get off the ground. I will postpone and spend less time on a certain project, since it might not provide enough reward for the amount of effort put in. I still need to clear off the majority of minor tasks from earlier months. But on the whole I find myself a better, more approachable person and if nothing drastic happens in the next month, I should be able to continue on moving forward.