A glorious Sunday, and a Happy Mothers Day to all you Moms out there! Anotherday in that recent string of warm weather we started having here in Brampton.Feels like summer is around the corner… or actually already here.
As an aside, my mother’s laywer told me to write/chronicle all the things I did on a daily basis. Since this is Mother’s Day, and already have had allthe nagging I can stomach for this month… I devote this flimsy paragraph to that subject. You can comfortably skip this. Unless you have a secret fetish for house chores.
Anyhow, did the standard routine of washing dishes for each meal and keeping the house immaculately clean. Dad did breakfast, which makes me so happy, one less thing to do… I am lazy by nature. Make that extremely lazy. Uh. And I washed the car. Because my Dad was driving ME crazy with it. And it has been two years already. And I am lazy (Did I mention that already?). And dust didn’t accumulate more than two millimetres on the sides, so it never had chance to peel off by itself (strong belief in that after the dirt is two centimetres it auto-cleans itself via gravity). And hang out some laundry. That is it. Oh and I blogged. But that doesn’t count does it…
Talking about legalizee… I have started to edit it. I have done many editing session in my short (or old is your age is < 21) life. Never was it so slow or painful. It is about as exciting as a slugging match with a wall.A brick wall. Standing toe to toe. Or should it be toe to wall? Anyways…this is almost as bad as a reading Vogon poetry. Almost. Without the internal neural hemorrhaging… No I can’t spell… Tragic.
Finally summoned the courage to call Kat. No I am not nervous when talking togirls. Well maybe. And only if I like the person a fair bit. OK, like alot. I was thinking that she would be tired or irritating at me bugging herso often. But no. She seemed to enjoy hearing from me. So naturally, I amwalking on air ever since. Thanks Kat!
Unfortunately (for me), Kat was celebrating Mother’s Day with her Mom and sister… so no walk. So instead I pulled Dima out for a walk. Maybe I should of gone with me parents instead.
Anyways, so first of all we go for the long route… to the end of the park. Which is fine, but on the way back Dmitri was getting tired of plain old paved walkway. Actually it was notgood enough for him. And he saw three rocks in the Etobicoke river/creek, and dared me to jump across… *sigh* And I thought I had grown out of the peer-pressure influenced age… Anyhow after a hop, skip and jump, we found ourselves in the unkempt meadow on the other side. Being too lazy to retrace our steps… and being too chicken to attempt jumping back across… we set off on a wilderness trek. Or the Great Adventure.
Dima directed me to write this like some sort of great epic.
So, the two brave, and fearless explorers set off through the tangled mess of grassland. Each step of the way, beset by strangely lumpy, lumps of grass that made walking similar to that of walking on perilous jelly. As they trekked across the grassland in the baking sun, the river curved in front of them. But that didn’t stop them. No… the intrepid pair devised an ingenious (Dorian quotes “There is no way I am going to cross on that!!!”)bridge spanning a fearsome (small but wet) rapid. Dmitri crossed first, but in the process almost wrecked the bridge. His companion, Dorian attempted to fix the damage but the current was too swift… at last he attempted to cross it. But fell off!!! Fortunately Dorian managed to save himself (and keep mostly dry except for the left foot).
After the incident, the two continued their journey through the wilderness.They encountered more grassland, and then an immense jungle (tangled undergrowth). Dima came out unscathed while Dorian got stuck a few times on thorns (man-eating thorn bush… ;-)). When they tore through the jungle (Dima kept on muttering about wishing to have a machete), they were greeted with the sight of two rare waterfowl (Canadian geese). The pair continued to tear their way through forest and wilderness and plain. Until they finally reached a grassy hill (with trees), and so a lowly (paved) trail. They descended down back into civilization.
And Dorian went home with a wet sneaker. *cry* But we did see a garter snakeon the way back.
Anyhow my day ended more or less after that. Ate dinner (a restaraunt boughtpita with sovlaki, my favorite, yum!), and then started to edit the tortourousdocument. And then fell asleep.