With Easter just around the corner and possibly spring coming shortly after–Canadians have to wait a bit longer for spring t0 properly arrive and winter to make her final exit–that it would make sense to update my blog. Many things have changed in the past few weeks . Like we have a new pope, Pope Francis, just in time for Easter. (I’m not going to weigh in on my opinions of the decision of the Conclave, other than I have mixed feelings. And each passing day does not ease my general feeling about unease.) Some things have not changed. Like most things in the world I guess.
With the slow coming of warmer weather, I have a good excuse for a bit of spring cleaning and growing myself. In terms of spring cleaning, I have meant to really organize my activities and my surroundings. Unfortunately since I had to make do without my laptop for a few weeks, that has not helped me get more things done. Especially when it comes to dealing with my overflowing inbox. Apologies for everyone expecting me to get back to them. I’m getting there slowly.
I did get to play around with setting up Python on my hosting environment and with Clojure. Clojure, while definitely useful still feels like an exercise in academics than industrial programming. (Still one can write a full implementation of Snake/Nibbles in Clojure in under 100 lines of code? Madness!) Python on the other hand is too much fun to feel like work. I considered using something like a static website generator like Nikola or benjen to port some of my websites. But I think for kicks, I will go the route of using Flask and craft my own mini-site just because working with Python is a such a joy.
One unfortunately necessary bit of spring cleaning will be changing Linux distros again. It seems that Canonical is doing a fair bit of wild experimentation nowadays. Too wild and it smells like they are suffering from NIH (not invented here). The idea to chuck out everyone’s hard work on replacing X with Wayland, with their own thing was just too much. So it looks like I’m going back to openSUSE for good. It is just a matter of when I get around to migrating all my systems over. I have no real issue with Canonical doing what they want with their own distro Ubuntu. I just don’t agree with the philosophy, and the needless experimentation, especially since I am quite happy with using a relatively standard KDE 4 desktop.
Hopefully once I finish all the spring cleaning I’ll get to finish up and show off some the projects I’ve been working on.