Updates for 2009-08-10

  • Excellent! All relevant things done, now on to some writing and hacking. I’m on a roll today. #
  • Please ask me about how I feel about denormalized generic data models. Remember to be wearing an asbestos suit when doing so. #
  • Alright! Onto dinner and some dealing with some physical world problems. Junglishly hot today. #

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Writing Progress Update for Monday

Last week I realized the reason why I kept on losing my writing work.  I’m a big fan of running libre software on my desktop.  While I can’t do so comfortably at work, but at home I run Linux desktop exclusively.  (Except to play the occasional Windows-only video game.)  So I use OpenOffice for my word processing and hence writing.  And I’m a big fan of using Open Document Formats.  However working on ODTs (essentially ZIP archives with ODF XML files inside) from a USB flash drive is not the way to go.  I guess the amount of saving and writing to disk, doesn’t help with prolonging the life of the flash memory.  So I had to change my workflow to use Dropbox instead.  I don’t want to wrangle with corrupt ODT files.  To make a long story short, I had to do some lengthy rewrites which didn’t help with moving forward in my novel.  However that has all been resolved, and I can say that I’m making good progress on the first chapter.