Updates for 2009-12-10

  • @jonobacon Great work on #shotofjaq! I think you guys have found a great format. Almost like a mini-#lugradio, more refined but still fun. #
  • Hmm… Caught up on e-mails yesterday. Is it a chance to start something new? I’ll see after I get this Oracle merge working. 😛 #
  • Hmm… I feel like there is no such thing as too much sleep. Or at least no such rule for me. 🙂 #
  • Alright the admin stuff for #justCheckers is done. Now accepting interested !Java developers. I plan on fixing the game engine first. #

Powered by modified Twitter Tools. Updates for 2009-12-09

  • First snowy morning. Drivers fail to drive well in snow. Free breakfast was great. Thanks. Epic battle with data migration continues. #
  • !kde, !vim and konsole user at home. g!vim at work. #
  • Correction not !konsole but rather !yakauke… even though thats more or less the same thing once you get past the presentation layer. 😀 #
  • Nice! One task less… Still… damn Oracle merge. Do I really have to delve into stored procedures to get my work done?!? #

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Dorian is currently concentrating on writing and getting things ready for Christmas.  So in the meantime, here are some new stories to tide you over:

Tired but Catching Up

Stayed up late last night, and feeling rather tired today as a result.  Still I’m pleased to have caught up on an important task.  Next time there will be less hassle if I keep things up-to-date on a daily or almost daily basis.  A systematic, disciplined and regular approach to tasks has certainly meant that more gets done.  And hopefully with less sleep lost in the future.  Apologies to everyone who have to work with me today.  I might not be all there. 😀 Updates for 2009-12-07

  • Good morning all. Looks like another ugh day involving data migration. And here I thought I was a developer, not a DBA. #
  • Nice. I got my Amazon wishlist setup. Now any interested Santas know what to buy for me. 🙂 #
  • Lunch is in order now. Never enjoyed mucking around in SQL, especially with a crazily constructed data model. #
  • Ugh. Work with me, SQL, work with me. #
  • We’ll try again tomorrow. Got other stuff to deal with now. #

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What’s Next?

The weekend turned out hectic but productive enough.  I enjoyed the company Christmas party on Saturday night.  Great venue, pretty fun, love the concept of an open bar. 😛 This morning marks the start of a hectic week, which I hope will mean my finally catching up on all my overdo communications and organizational work.  At work it looks like a lot of loose ends need tying.  And a certain client is being demanding again…  So this week will be “fun”.

Still… last week saw my catching up on many things.  Hopefully we’ll have a repeat this week, only less stressful and more productive. 🙂 Updates for 2009-12-02

  • There we go… Goodbye all you robots. I mean I love robots. But I couldn’t care less for spam. The two don’t mix well anyways. #
  • Hmm… Funny how quickly things get done if you set your mind to it. Now on to those few last straggling tasks. #
  • Nice. Looks like I’ll be using a lot more of Wireshark for debugging web applications. Ow. Delving into another app’s code to fix my app. #

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Taking a Repose

You may have noticed that my blogs seem to get shorter and shorter.  As you can imagine I’m busy wrapping up things for this year.  In addition to all that, I want to spend more time writing my novels and articles.  Plus I need to catch up on my coding projects as well.  You should still expect to get your daily dose of Dorian, but in shorter form for the time being.  I’ll keep you posted on my progress with my various projects.