Embedded Rust Library Experiment for Python and Web Assembly

With my ever growing list of things that I need to catch up (like wiring my home network and managing Rookeries), I needed a small fun project that I can work on. Ever since I learned enough Rust to be able to convert Rookeries, I wanted to play around with being able to speed up my code with a Rust library. I am especially interested in figuring how to call Rust code from Python or from JS with Web Assembly.

As a test bed (and a reason) for me to learn this, I created a small little library for getting the uptime of a local server (Linux only): embedded-uptime converting between different measurement units like Celsius and Fahrenheit: embedded-unit-converter. If you’d like to follow along, feel free to check it out. I will be posting updates on the blog, and on the Rookeries mailing list.

Updated on 2019 February 4: When I setup the project, I forgot that server uptimes that rely on accessing a server’s /proc/uptime can not possibly work in Web Assembly in browser environment. After some consideration I decided to go with something simple that accessible from any platform, namely conversion between different units of measure.