This past month I’ve been trying to determine the future direction I want to take my projects: especially Rookeries. Ultimately I want to build something that lasts and is able to sustain itself financially. As someone who is still a novice in the arts of marketing, and business development, this is hard, and doing this in an open, transparent environment like with libre software, just adds to it. While I have many musings on what is needed to run a sustainable open source project, they are just that: musings. Without getting into the weeds, I think the Ghost blogging platform team is doing the right thing. I recommend the Indie Hacker podcast that interviews John O’Nolan of Ghost.
Also I’ve been playing around with some of the interesting Rust Web Assembly projects out there. I think they have potential to improve Rookeries in a radical manner. However before I get anyone’s hopes up, I want to get something working before I announce the future direction of Rookeries. (Something, something, Web Assembly, something, something, plugin extensibility.) In the meantime I am releasing version 0.13.1 of Rookeries!
This version is mostly bug fixes, and code re-organization that will help me extend the project into the future.
P.S. My mailing list knows about my releases and plans of Rookeries, before the blog. So you should totally sign up for the Rookeries mailing list.