Drifting in the Ether for While.

…just passing by partner.

Funny how I have been missing my daily dose of Internet recently… Busy at home is my excuse, but it is a bad one. So I am back for a short while… mainly to grab a look at a few things. Recently I have had that awful mix of boredom and excitement that happens before an exam. Only four days, and two exams and that is it for spring semester 2005.

Some of my friends asked me if I will be taking courses in the summer. As much as I would like to, (honestly summer can be a fun time to learn) I am out of funds. So it is off to work we go for me. Never figured out why does dwarves were so flipping happy.

I miss Kat. Have not talked to her in what seems ages… make that almost two weeks in person. I know I shouldn’t do this… but I really like her for some odd reason. Sigh… oh and don’t give me any of that “oh… l’amour…” because I WILL twist your neck off…. 😉 Most likely we won’t meet up for the summer… so I am sort of depressed about that. We haven’t even chatted online for almost the same amount of time. 🙁 Hope that changes… we I guess we have two shared exams one on Wednesday and Thursday. That is something to look forward too.

Ok it seems that everyone has something to say about the new papacy. So I guess I should add my 2 political cents (*looks around for political officers*)… Being very much conservative (read as: dinosaur for all you liberal-minded hippies ;)), I think that Benedict XVI will do a great job. A friend of the last pope, and well versed in doctrines of the faith, I think this papacy should be a great continuation, maybe even sharpening of John Paul II’s papacy. I really don’t understand all the whining of all those liberally controlled media and activists… if you don’t like the Roman Catoholic church, well that don’t go to it. Want your church? No problem go ahead. Just don’t change ours. Enough on the subject of the new papacy.

I plan to get cracking on the visualizations for a few algorithms and data structures from my course. Should be a fun look into Java, threading, animation, and maybe a glance into understanding these algorithms. Anyhow, I am off need to stretch out my fins, and bound around the etherbeach for a while, and grab a few things. Yes, I view life from the perspective of a playful mudskipper. Why? Because mudskippers are kewl!!! And so are jellyfish.
