Rather get Flogged

Yay! Nearly a whole day spent whipping this awful legal document that masquerades as my mother’s statement. Simply an atrocious chore. The whole experience with monster is simply a test of a person’s dedication, determination, and sanity. Fortunately I am almost done just one or two revisions tomorrow.

Boring list of work:

In the case of work, did the dishes along with breakfast. Made a great dinner (on time, OMG). And the baked guinea bird came out splendidly. Oh and finally got around to doing the laundry… told you this was a boring list. But hey, just what the lawyer wanted.

So after dinner watched an episode of SG-1. Not a particularly interesting one. Oh well.

Just so that no one calls me lazy, I racked backyard. Finally we have clean yard(s) at home. Tried picking up the heap of old leaves while wearing a dust mask. Not comfy, but no acting up of my infamous mold allergies. Yay! Finished off the day with planting a few pretty yellow and purple pansies. Wish I had a digital camera to show you.


Another day… another dollar. Which is an excellent away to sum up my day. Right.

So I was chating with my good friend, Dima about dating, girls, and relationships. Got into a bit of a row about this theory about male-female relationships, called the “Ladder Theory”. I am not saying that I discredit the theory out of hand or anything. But it felt a bit too shallow. I mean I don’t think like that… I have worked on surpassing my irrational, emotional side and be more rational. I really don’t think it is appropriate to say that people judge the opposite sex, almost purely on sexual attraction. Come on. Hormones and phermones do play an important in a person’s life, but not the central part. Ah well. Maybe it was just the way the person brought it across.

Cry… I was hoping to meet up with Kat tomorrow. Alas, she must find a summer job, so she will be busy that day. Beside it will rain tomorrow. And Dima is bugging me against it… for the longest time. I have not figured out exactly why… but I know he means well. Still what is wrong with occasionally meeting up? Oh well never mind. I might end up going with Rudy shopping, if I am lucky.

As for life, nothing much except idling, working on chores, and being bored. I don’t know why, but things have just sort of died recently. As for hacking, I plan to do more of it. Just not really motivated much nowadays… The highlight was watching an episode of SG-1, which is one of my favorite series (Lost and BSG being the other two). I have not watched StarGate in ages. Fun stuff.

The mlaren is parked neatly in my orbiting super-battlecruiser… the Insomniac. I will drive it again. Soon. After I bombard the planet below a few times. Cherrio!

Drifting in the Ether for While.

…just passing by partner.

Funny how I have been missing my daily dose of Internet recently… Busy at home is my excuse, but it is a bad one. So I am back for a short while… mainly to grab a look at a few things. Recently I have had that awful mix of boredom and excitement that happens before an exam. Only four days, and two exams and that is it for spring semester 2005.

Some of my friends asked me if I will be taking courses in the summer. As much as I would like to, (honestly summer can be a fun time to learn) I am out of funds. So it is off to work we go for me. Never figured out why does dwarves were so flipping happy.

I miss Kat. Have not talked to her in what seems ages… make that almost two weeks in person. I know I shouldn’t do this… but I really like her for some odd reason. Sigh… oh and don’t give me any of that “oh… l’amour…” because I WILL twist your neck off…. 😉 Most likely we won’t meet up for the summer… so I am sort of depressed about that. We haven’t even chatted online for almost the same amount of time. 🙁 Hope that changes… we I guess we have two shared exams one on Wednesday and Thursday. That is something to look forward too.

Ok it seems that everyone has something to say about the new papacy. So I guess I should add my 2 political cents (*looks around for political officers*)… Being very much conservative (read as: dinosaur for all you liberal-minded hippies ;)), I think that Benedict XVI will do a great job. A friend of the last pope, and well versed in doctrines of the faith, I think this papacy should be a great continuation, maybe even sharpening of John Paul II’s papacy. I really don’t understand all the whining of all those liberally controlled media and activists… if you don’t like the Roman Catoholic church, well that don’t go to it. Want your church? No problem go ahead. Just don’t change ours. Enough on the subject of the new papacy.

I plan to get cracking on the visualizations for a few algorithms and data structures from my course. Should be a fun look into Java, threading, animation, and maybe a glance into understanding these algorithms. Anyhow, I am off need to stretch out my fins, and bound around the etherbeach for a while, and grab a few things. Yes, I view life from the perspective of a playful mudskipper. Why? Because mudskippers are kewl!!! And so are jellyfish.
