Dinner at Prince

Tonight I met up with one of my friends from my professional writing course, Andrei.  Since I could meet him in the early evening, that meant I could get some extra sleep and start work later.  Extra sleep is always a welcome change in my schedule.  Commuting to work by bus not so much.  Work turned out busy as usual with training and work on particularly sticky issue (read issue as a bug, enhancement, change request or combination of the former).

Meeting up with Andrei is always a pleasure.  We ate dinner at Prince, the Japanese eatry near work.  I highly recommend that place if you are up for some Japanese food.  We talked a lot about writing, university, the economy (everyone and his pet dog’s obsessively favourite topic it seems nowadays) and philosophy in general.  I even got into a rant about why technologies such as Linux, KDE 4 and Maemo excite me.  Hehehe… I had a lot of fun.

Interestingly it seems that nowadays my weeks are jam packed with meeting interesting people and having fun in general.  I don’t know if it just a bit coincidental luck.  Or is it because I’ve tried to take a more positive and active approach to life.  Or is it a combination of both?  I wonder…

Rather get Flogged

Yay! Nearly a whole day spent whipping this awful legal document that masquerades as my mother’s statement. Simply an atrocious chore. The whole experience with monster is simply a test of a person’s dedication, determination, and sanity. Fortunately I am almost done just one or two revisions tomorrow.

Boring list of work:

In the case of work, did the dishes along with breakfast. Made a great dinner (on time, OMG). And the baked guinea bird came out splendidly. Oh and finally got around to doing the laundry… told you this was a boring list. But hey, just what the lawyer wanted.

So after dinner watched an episode of SG-1. Not a particularly interesting one. Oh well.

Just so that no one calls me lazy, I racked backyard. Finally we have clean yard(s) at home. Tried picking up the heap of old leaves while wearing a dust mask. Not comfy, but no acting up of my infamous mold allergies. Yay! Finished off the day with planting a few pretty yellow and purple pansies. Wish I had a digital camera to show you.