I’m pleased to announce that I have gotten back to developing justCheckers. I missed coding on my own projects. And I am glad that I motivated myself to get back on it. This time around I went the Android route, since the Android framework makes development of multimedia, threaded applications really easy in Java. And it gets around the nasty distribution problems involved with desktop applications.
I also decided against working with a team this time around. I came to this decision after realizing how much more productive I am coding by myself. And how much solo coding I do at my day job. Also I spent more time organizing teams and tasks then actually getting them done. So I quietly disbanded the potential dev teams and closed down the mailing list. At least for now. I might look to building a team after I scale up.
At the moment I finished building a decent looking first draft user interface. Now I am trying to hook the UI to the existing game engine/controller. Once that works, I’ll get back to fixing the game engine to make it generic enough to handle the different rules for the different variants of checkers. Hopefully I’ll be able to release something soon.