Rust + Gtk = Wow

As I’ve been experimenting with writing Rust apps, I attempted to create a small little GUI application. At first I attempted to setup everything with Qt, but C++/Qt interoperability with Rust is painful. Very, very painful. I experimented with some more radical UI frameworks such as Azul and Conrad. These have a lot of promise going forward. However for the here and now, I recommend looking at gtk-rs, Rust binding for Gtk.

With a bit of experimentation, looking through gtk-rs examples, some other projects using gtk-rs, and lots and lots of searching, I was able to create this:

This is a code viewer that lets you open Rust code, and view it. Yes, you are looking at a portion of the code that runs that code viewer. Getting the GtkSourceView working took some coaxing. Also I had to learn how to use the Glade UI editor for Gtk. Overall it took me about 2 to 3 hours to pull this off. I am very impressed with the results, and it opens up new possibilities for me.

Packaging up a Rust Binary for Linux


I should of written an update for quite some time. While I’ve been experimenting with marketing analytics, learning about data science, business development, doing DevOps with GitLab CI and various other things, I wanted to write up my learning when I had a chance to internalize everything. However what made me decide to write an update is this tweet from Chris Krycho. Chris runs the amazing New Rustacean podcast, which is a must listen for anyone interested in learning about programming in Rust.

How does one package a Rust app?

Chris asked about finding a good way to distribute Rust binaries across Linux distros:

Interestingly enough, I recently figured out how to package a small Rust CLI utility that I’m working on. My response was:

This post elaborates on what I meant with my reply.

Building snap packages using snapcraft

The fine folks at Canonical (the makers of Ubuntu Linux), have created something called snap packages. These packages and associated package manager help developers distribute applications (desktop, cloud, etc.) in a safe, isolated manner. I currently have slack installed this way. snaps isolate apps by having the package maintainer declare the capabilities an app requires (network access, access to system files, the GPU, home directory, etc.), and then ensuring the apps can not escape this sandbox.

Basic Setup

Getting setup with packaging a Rust crate was not too hard:

  1. Install snapcraft: sudo snap install snapcraft --classic
  2. Create a snap template inside your crate project: snap init
  3. Edit the generated snap/snapcraft.yml as per the documentation.
  4. Build the snap using snapcraft.
  5. Install the resulting snap with sudo snap install my-cool-rust-bin_x.y.z.snap --devmode --dangerous (this assuming you are experimenting with building a snap)
  6. Add you should be able to distribute your app as a snap now. (See the caveats below.)

Caveats working with snaps

Now there a bunch of caveats when working with snaps. And for my own Rust utility, I found these too taxing and I decided to go with creating a standard Debian package instead. However if I wanted to target multiple distributions and my app didn’t have a very unorthodox setup (my app relies on using the Chrome WebDriver to control a networked device managed by dd-wrt), I would probably have gone with a snap instead:

  • You need to know what capabilities your app needs: file access, network, etc. and you need to declare the appropriate interfaces in your snapcraft.yml
  • Using something other than my local system (be it a Docker based build or using a different base like base18), failed terribly at least for Rust.
  • Whether or not I’d have more success if my base system was the recommended Ubuntu 16.04 and not 18.04 is an outstanding mystery.
  • The snap confinement, even on the much more liberal devmode, works very well. No amount of coaxing on my part, let me use system paths when trying to spawn a process. This could just be me though, as not declaring network access did not block my app.
  • The docs could of been clearer about what was the latest recommended approach. (Still way clearer than the documentation for creating a DEB or RPM from scratch.)
  • Knowing which libraries (for the type of base system) your app needs takes a bit of experimentation. (e.g. I needed libssl1.0 for some builds and libssl1.1)
  • I have no idea how the classical confinement should work, and it is not recommended either way.

The end result for me was a working snap package, but an app that would not work when called from an installed snap. However I think snap packages are probably the way to go moving forward (or a similar format like flatpak). Since I only plan on targeting local Ubuntu 18.04 installs, I ended up creating a Debian package instead.

Building a Debian package with Cargo

I found a nice utility for creating a deb out of a Rust crate, called cargo-deb. After installing the crate with cargo: cargo install cargo-deb, I simply ran cargo deb and I was done. cargo-deb looked into my Cargo.toml for the metadata, ran a build and a few moments later I was the proud owner of a Debian package. Since my app relies on the chromium-browser and chromium-chromedriver packages, I added a small section in my Cargo.toml as so:

depends = "$auto, chromium-browser, chromium-chromedriver"

The $auto is something that the Debian packaging mechanism needs, and that is the comma separated format that DEBs use.

Building a RPM from a DEB package

Now this the part that I didn’t do this time around. However I figured out how to create RPM packages from DEB packages a few months ago. The trick is to use the alien utility to create a RPM out of a DEB:

sudo alien --to-rpm --scripts --verbose my-cool-rust-bin.deb

For the record, I did not try to improve or debug the resulting RPM. (This entire effort was for a product that failed to launch.) However as part of my tests I was able install it and run it from on CentOS VM.


Anyways, I would recommend the cargo-deb and alien approach, if you are not planning to distribute a Rust app across a multitude of Linux distros. I would recommend dipping into snap if you plan on distributing something more commercial and wide-spread like a slack or kubectl. And I hope that helps you on your Rust app packaging for Linux journey!