Another morning. A bit wet but perfect for mlaren racing as the soil gets nicely packed and allows for better traction. Now if only I had the time to start upon that project…
As my systems programming and data structures exams loom ever closer, I continue in my quest of understanding the material better by hacking a few applications. I finally found one idea to test my knowledge of thread programming using the POSIX compliant thread libraries. It will be a simulation of a small development team using an revision control server. One of the servers will be use a locked commit (e.g. Visual SafeSource), and the other will use the better method (e.g. CVS, Subversion). Should be interesting…
For my other system programming, I plan on making a useful pipe, and redirect program. PNP (PNP is Not a Pipe) will let you to execute a command, and pipe or redirect the output to another program or file, while enabling you to see all the output being displayed to the screen.
As for my data structure work… I will get on it as soon as I can.
Talked to Kat yesterday shortly, but that definitely made my day. I promptly ruined my day by being lazy, which made my folks irk. Today, I plan to balance work and study a bit better, and not be such a lazy bum. One good thing was that I started on a Herculean task of figuring the GNU Autotools. Bizarre is the best thing to say, and I am so not used to using any of them. Like I understand Makefiles, and Ant build scripts perfectly. However, all this automatic code generation is making my head spin (not mention my headers).
Well I guess I better get back to hacking… lot of work to do, and so little time. *Climbs back into the cockpit of the mlaren for around lap.*