Yesterday proved to be a productive day. I am pleased with the expanding file I bought. I could finally find an organized place for all those bills, receipts and miscellanous loose leaves of paper that clutter my room. In addition I am caught up on my correspondence. Looks like I’m making progress in the dating game too, something I thought would never come about. Of course I will not for sure until I know for sure. Still as the amount of near-misses increases, so does the likelyhood of a hit. All in all I am at ease.
I still need to organize more and clear up both my physical and digital clutter. The digital clutter only requires time. But I am severly lacking space in the physical world, and I am not sure how to deal with this. I have to either consolidate something or get rid of a large volume. Nothing really comes to mind that can help me with this. I do have some ideas. When you are dealing with a small space, you have to get real creative with managing space. And no the answer is not digitizing as much as possible, since that takes too long. I might need to do some research into this problem.
For the most part, I’ve dealt with my lack of time problem. I make time and tunnel out chunks of free time when I can. But making space eludes me at the moment.
UPDATE: I read up some interesting ideas for saving space. Need to get rid of stuff especially out of date things, unused clothes, and old pointless notes. Also I need to see if I can convert objects into money, as that will help motivate me to cut deeper. Hmm… this is gonna take some time and effort.