Merging Git Repositories

One of the things that I realized while working on Rookeries, is that the server and client have to be more or less developed in sync. In theory one could develop these in parallel, however a function needs to be build on both sides. Since for the most part, I’m building Rookeries by myself having two separate repositories only gives me more things to maintain.

So I decided to merge the rookeries-react-app repository back into the rookeries repository. I used the instructions found in this post on merging git repositories to successfully achieve that.. In case this played out as:

git clone temp
cd temp
git filter-branch --prune-empty --tree-filter '
     if [[ ! -e client ]]; then 
    mkdir -p client 
    git ls-tree --name-only $GIT_COMMIT  | xargs -I files mv files client fi'

cd ..
git clone rookeries-next
cd rookeries-next
git remote add --fetch temp ../temp 
git merge -s ours --no-commit temp/master 
git read-tree --prefix=client/ -u temp/master 
git commit -m "Merged rookeries-react-app in rookeries" 
git pull -s subtree temp master

git push origin master

Remembrance Day

enter image description here

In Flanders fields the poppies blow
Between the crosses, row on row,
That mark our place; and in the sky
The larks, still bravely singing, fly
Scarce heard amid the guns below.

We are the Dead. Short days ago
We lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow,
Loved and were loved, and now we lie
In Flanders fields.

Take up our quarrel with the foe:
To you from failing hands we throw
The torch; be yours to hold it high.
If ye break faith with us who die
We shall not sleep, though poppies grow
In Flanders fields.

Blog Break

Hey there Reader!

Over the past couple of weeks I have tried to post a new article or blog every week. And normally I would do the same today. Heck I do have a few posts in draft that I started working and I plan to publish a bit later.

However for the next couple of weeks I will be taking a break from blogging to concentrate on preparing for my PyCon Canada talk, getting some more traction on Rookeries and a new project that I plan on unveiling soon.

I’ll return to my regular blogging schedule sometime in mid or end of November once the dust settles.

Markdown Documentation with Sphinx

Lets take a break from setting up CouchDB in Rookeries, and discuss

I recently made the switch to using Markdown for the majority of the prose
style documentation for Rookeries. Originally I wanted to support both
reStructuredText and Markdown. However for reasons I’ll write about, I will
concentrate on supporting Markdown in Rookeries.


What do I expect from documentation for Rookeries? I want an automated setup
that will allow for easily writing prose documenation, API level documention
and also that the documentation can act as a test fixture as well. There is no
need to duplicate efforts maintaining two sets of documentation: one for the
code and one as a test sample.

Avoiding Duplication – Unifying Documentation and Test Fixtures

Some of the tests for Rookeries, require actual content living inside a
database. This is an excellent way to dogfood Rookeries, by forcing it to
handle some of the content it will have to support. Currently the test
fixtures live separately from the documentation. However the actual fixture
refers to the path for the sample files, as part of its setup. Whether this
path points to the test fixture folder or any other other folder in the
Rookeries source tree is arbitrary. So why not have the same documentation as
both project documentation and sample test data?

Keeping API Documentation

However I still want API documentation, not only for my sake but to allow
future contributers to extend Rookeries or build plugins for it. Going with
simply just the prose documentation is not enough. So I wanted to keep my
current Sphinx autodoc setup, or have something similar parse docstrings in
my code and generate gorgeous API documentation.


After some trials, I hit upon a way to support both Markdown and
reStructuredText in my Sphinx powered documentation. The Markdown files are
being referenced in the tests, so all my requirements were met. Huge thanks
to Eric Holscher (dev on the ReadtheDocs sites) for figuring this out


The other alternatives were either use a Markdown-only documentation
generator (mkdocs) or support reStructuredText in Rookeries.

What not Use mkdocs?

mkdocs is an awesome project that uses Markdown to generate documentation via
mkdocs works remarkably well, has a few nice themes, abstracts away lots of the Sphinx configuration and has a nice workflow for writing the documentation. However its API documentation story is lacking.

State of Autodoc API Documentation

While the initial impression I got from mkdocs was excellent. However when I
tried to use mkdocs for generating API documentation I ran into problems. Judging by the roadmap of mkdocs, there is not much desire to support API documentation. There is an experimental project to hook up mkdocs to the Sphinx autodoc.
However this did not work for me.

Why not Support reStructuredText in Rookeries

Alternatively, I considered going in the other extreme of only supporting
reStructuredText. Aside from the fact that RST syntax is not always the
easiest to remember, I ran into some more technical challenges.

State of RST Frontend Clients

The first major issue is that there are no reStructuredText frontend clients.
There are lots of Markdown clients for Javascript, but none for RST. While I
do plan on rendering content on the server side, I do would prefer to have the
option of doing some of the rendering on the client side.

Working with Docutils in Python

Less of an issue, but more of encumberance is working with reStructuredText in
Python. The docutils library is the standard way to convert RST into a number of formats. The documentation for docutils is horrible. I wish could be more charitable but it took me a good 30-45 mins poking around the docs to figure
out how to programmatically render reStructuredText into HTML:

import io
from docutils import core as docutils_core

with'my_rst_sample.rst') as src:
    beta =

doc_core.publish_string(beta, writer_name='html')

Mind you this only gets you as far as having a full HTML documentation, that
you need to muck around with. I did get partial HTML rendering earlier on
Rookeries’ history, but it was not obvious or simple to get to. I don’t need
docutils’ grand, book-publishing ready setup nor their command-line tools. I
just need something to render marked-up text into HTML for a blog.

In the future I might wade into dealing with reStructuredText, but I will pass
on that for now. There are more important open issues with Rookeries than
which exact format to use.

Use pandoc

When the topic of rendering between markup format comes up, so does using
pandoc. Pandoc is a great tool for converting between various markup and document formats. And it does a decent job of translating RST to Markdown and back again:

pandoc -f rst -t markdown sample.rst -o

Now I don’t plan on relying on Pandoc for Rookeries. But I might require it
when I need to import and export data from non-Rookeries blogs and sources.

Markdown in Sphinx

The solution I finally settled on was making Sphinx render Markdown. I found a great article on configuring Sphinx to handle both reStructuredText and Markdown.

Setting up Sphinx to Render Markdown and reStructuredText

The setup is fairly straightforward. Install the remarkdown library that adds
Markdown support to docutils which Sphinx will use:

pip install remarkdown

Next add the following configuration to the Sphinx configuration:

from recommonmark.parser import CommonMarkParser

# The suffix of source filenames.

source_suffix = ['.rst', '.md']

parsers = {
    '.md': CommonMarkParser,

Viola! You now can mix and match Markdown and reStructuredText in your
Sphinx documentation. I would stick to RST when dealing with more
complicated macros for Sphinx (like the releases changelog add-on I use).

Markdown in WordPress

A final note: I want to work toward transitioning this site to Rookeries. So
I started playing around with how it would be to write all my blog posts in
Markdown. I am using Sublime Text for my editor. On the WordPress side, I
found that WP-Markdown is a nice WordPress plugin for writing content in
Markdown and then rendering it to HTML.

Using CouchDB in Rookeries – Part 2 – Setting Up a Remote CouchDB Server


In the second instalment of my series on adding CouchDB support to
Rookeries, I’ll be talking about how I provisioned CouchDB on my remote

Now it sounds counter-intuitive why I would talk about creating and
populating CouchDB databases first before writing about installing
CouchDB. The reason for this backwards step, is that I already have
CouchDB installed locally. At my daytime job at
we use CouchDB extensively, so I already have
CouchDB installed locally on my workstation. I have also worked with the
Operations team to provision CouchDB servers. However it is a different
story when trying to provision and configure CouchDB yourself on your
own servers. This blog post details some of the things I learned along the way.

Since the setup of Couch is a bit involved, I will divide this up over two blog

Provisioning Rookeries with Ansible

One of the stated goals of Rookeries is create a developer-friendly
blogging platform that is easier to install and setup than WordPress.
That is a tall order for a Python WSGI app, since there is some more
setup involved than just installing Apache and mod_php and unzipping
Wordpress into a folder. (Even with WordPress there is more involved
when doing a proper and maintainable setup.)

So while putting up a production ready Python WSGI app is more involved
technically, this does not mean the end-user needs to experience this.
That is where the Rookeries Ansible
comes into
play. I created that Ansible role to encapsulate the complexity of the
installing Rookeries. (This role uses [the nginx-uwsgi-supervisord Ansible
role which I wrote to handle the actual setup of a WSGI app on an bare-bones
Ubuntu server]
( All of the
details concerning the setup and configuration of a CouchDB server for a
Rookeries installation is included in the Rookeries Ansible role.

Installing Latest CouchDB on Ubuntu Linux

I use the latest Ubuntu LTS (14.04) for both my development and
deployment environments. Having the same environment reduces the effort for meI
to take Rookeries from development to production. However the
latest version of CouchDB for Ubuntu 14.04 is 1.5.0 and I wanted to use
the latest stable version of CouchDB. While upgrading between CouchDB
versions is straightforward, I know that I am less likely to upgrade to the
latest version of CouchDB once Rookeries stabilizes. And there is no
point on starting off with an older version of your database right from
the start of a project.

Fortunately the CouchDB devs distribute the latest stable version of
CouchDB via a convenient
. The
instructions on how to install CouchDB via the PPA is right on the
Launchpad page.

Installing via Console

# add the ppa
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:couchdb/stable -y
# update cached list of packages    
sudo aptitude update -y
# remove any existing couchdb binaries
sudo aptitude remove couchdb couchdb-bin couchdb-common -yf
# install the latest
sudo aptitude install couchdb

Provisioning via Ansible

The Rookeries Ansible role translates those instructions (minus the
removal of existing packages) to:

- name: add the couchdb ppa repository
  apt_repository: repo="ppa:couchdb/stable" state=present

- name: install couchdb
  apt: pkg=couchdb state=present
    - couchdb
    - couchdb-bin
    - couchdb-common

Running CouchDB

Now that we have CouchDB installed, we need to control it like we would any
other service on Linux server. Surprisingly enough when I tried to find the
packaged CouchDB service scripts (using the service command), I did not find

> sudo service --status-all
# ... A lot of entries but no couchdb ...

Turns out that CouchDB package comes with an Upstart script rather than
a traditional System V initrc script. (That itself is probably not a bad

> sudo status couchdb
couchdb start/running, process 5311
# There it is.

Starting and stopping service through Upstart is done via the ‘start’ and
‘stop’ commands. There are also ‘reload’ and ‘restart’ commands.

> sudo restart couchdb
couchdb start/running, process 15987

Side Note About Upstart vs Services vs Systemd

Update: I found an article that explains the evolution and the current situation of Linux service management. It explains things much better than I do and in much more detail. I learn quite a bit from it.

If you follow Linux developments and news, you might have heard about the development and controversy around new init systems. I will try to explain \nthese developments briefly here since we are on the topic of service scripts.

The old System V style for service scripts (in /etc/init.d/ or\n/etc/rc.d/) is not flexible when it comes to managing dependencies and running outside of the prescribed run-levels that happen during boot and shutdown.
However there is disagreement about what would would be a better alternative. Upstart was Canonical/Ubuntu’s attempt to create a more flexible system for managing services. However Debian and many other Linux distributions have recently switched over to another such system called systemd. Part of the controversy about systemd stems from the architectural design of systemd (which seems monolithic at first glance as it tries to solve service management, logging and few other seemly unrelated system level issues).

Another part of the controversy stems from how the project lead’s handled his previous project: PulseAudio. I will admit that my first experiences with PulseAudio were pretty rocky, and I missed how well using plain old ALSA worked. However these issues have since gone away, and I can not think of any PulseAudio or any audio issues I’ve encountered in Linux recently. (Ironically Windows 7 gives me more grief with sounds issues than Linux nowadays.)

I personally don’t know enough about systemd to form an opinion. Sure I am a bit anxious to see how this all plays out. However this is a case of wait and see. In the meantime be aware that the exact semantics on how you interact with services will change in the near future.

Update #2: An interview with Lennart Poettering about systemd, its design and intentions

Provisioning with Ansible

Fortunately Ansible does not make a distinction of what the underlying
service script setup is used. The Ansible service module works with initrc,
service, Upstart and systemd services without complaint.

In the Rookeries Ansible restarting the CouchDB service becomes a single

- name: stop couchdb server
  service: name=couchdb state=restarted

Next Up

In the next blog post I’ll write up about configuring and securing


…and we’re back!  Or rather the site is, thanks to Eric who helps admin the VPS that this site runs on.

So much has happened in the meantime: PyCon Montreal, furthering my experience in working on Python microservices + Docker + Ansible, my dabbling in the startup and JS worlds.  And life in general, with friends getting married and life in general moving forward.

One of the lessons learned in this outage, is to keep better backups and use automated configuration managers when administrating a site.  I’d love to talk about my Ansible playbooks that are just now approaching the point where I have almost completely automated backups and deployments.  But I’ll do so at another time.

Now a Professional Pythonista at Points!

I have been working for the past month as a Software Development Engineer at Points International.  While my role is not officially as a Python developer, a large portion of my work is building Python applications, services and libraries.  Also I get to develop in Java as well and maintain some very well engineered systems as well, so I get to deal with both worlds.  Even after a month, I am super excited to work at such a cool company and with awesome people.  It really feels like a bit of a dream job, in terms of what technology I get to use (Python, Linux desktops and distributed version control systems, w00t!) and the processes (yes Agile and proper software engineering totally works when done right).

But it is the people within the company that really makes it shine.  I get to be surrounded by smart, savvy, and welcoming coworkers, including a number of important and active Pythonistas that I look up to.  My team is just amazing, supportive, and I feel that in this short time span I’ve become a much better developer thanks to them.  Even on stressful days I feel motivated and excited to come to work and give it my all.  I feel incredibly lucky and fortunate to be at Points. 🙂

Spring Cleaning for 2013

With Easter just around the corner and possibly spring coming shortly after–Canadians have to wait a bit longer for spring t0 properly arrive and winter to make her final exit–that it would make sense to update my blog.   Many things have changed in the past few weeks .  Like we have a new pope, Pope Francis, just in time for Easter.  (I’m not going to weigh in on my opinions of the decision of the Conclave, other than I have mixed feelings.  And each passing day does not ease my general feeling about unease.)  Some things have not changed.  Like most things in the world I guess.

With the slow coming of warmer weather, I have a good excuse for a bit of spring cleaning and growing myself.  In terms of spring cleaning, I have meant to really organize my activities and my surroundings.  Unfortunately since I had to make do without my laptop for a few weeks, that has not helped me get more things done.  Especially when it comes to dealing with my overflowing inbox.  Apologies for everyone expecting me to get back to them.  I’m getting there slowly.

I did get to play around with setting up Python on my hosting environment and with Clojure.  Clojure, while definitely useful still feels like an exercise in academics than industrial programming.  (Still one can write a full implementation of Snake/Nibbles in Clojure in under 100 lines of code?  Madness!)  Python on the other hand is too much fun to feel like work.  I considered using something like a static website generator like Nikola or benjen to port some of my websites.  But I think for kicks, I will go the route of using Flask and craft my own mini-site just because working with Python is a such a joy.

One unfortunately necessary bit of spring cleaning will be changing Linux distros again.  It seems that Canonical is doing a fair bit of wild experimentation nowadays.  Too wild and it smells like they are suffering from NIH (not invented here).  The idea to chuck out everyone’s hard work on replacing X with Wayland, with their own thing was just too much.  So it looks like I’m going back to openSUSE for good.  It is just a matter of when I get around to migrating all my systems over.  I have no real issue with Canonical doing what they want with their own distro Ubuntu.  I just don’t agree with the philosophy, and the needless experimentation, especially since I am quite happy with using a relatively standard KDE 4 desktop.

Hopefully once I finish all the spring cleaning I’ll get to finish up and show off some the projects I’ve been working on.


Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! See Y’all in 2013!

Just a quick post this time, since this is one heck of a busy day.  Actually the whole year has been kept me super-busy beyond my wildest dream.  While I could of made do with less stress, it definitely pushed me to grow out of necessity.  I definitely am a stronger professional than in the beginning of the year.  I can consider myself a senior developer and be confident in my technical, communication and inter-personal skills.

And I learned to dance, no kidding.  I learned to do things I did not imagine I could do.  I feel that I am calmer, stronger and better person overall.  Of course I can not sit on my laurels.  There is still so much to do, learn and explore.  I look forward to this coming year.  Hopefully you do too.

I wish everyone a Happy Belated Christmas and Happy New Year!  See you all in 2013!

Now Accepting Tips via Gittip

I know this is totally an artsy thing to do but… you can tip me now!  So if you find my blog entries or the code that I put up on Github useful, feel free to tip me for my efforts.  Thankful my day job at Bluerush pays for my day-to-day.  But I would appreciate even a minor tip or a tweet, if you find these things useful.  It is almost like buying me a coffee or a beer. 🙂
