If you can’t get enough of my blogging goodness, well I started microblogging as well. You can follow my antics, exploits, escapades or whatever you want to call them on identi.ca. My ID is dorianpula.
Author Archives: Dorian
Wubi, How Much I Miss You
Dual-booting on a Vista machine turned out to be a really, really bad idea. At least when you are trying NOT to kill Vista in the process. Now cleaning out GRUB, reinstalling Vista’s MBR and re-extending all the partitions is in order. The number of hoops one needs to jump through, especially if you don’t have Vista install media is incredible. I personally tried deleting my GNU/Linux partition, then installing it again. Then I tried running Super Grub Disk to get my Vista MBR back. But that failed. So instead I downloaded and ran EasyBCD and rewrote my MBR that way. EasyBCD unfortunately is not libre software, but it does a wonderful job of making the Vista experience less painful.
After that could I remove the GNU/Linux partition via my Wubied installed of Kubuntu. All that is left is for me to re-extend the main partition when I get around to it. I’m NOT going to do that again.
So advice to anyone wanting to run Ubuntu GNU/Linux and NOT kill your Vista install for whatever reason, go the Wubi route. Always go the Wubi installer route, it will save you a lot of hassle. You the additional advantage that you can always uninstall Ubuntu GNU/Linux if you need to.
The New “Mojave” Experiment
I have a few friends working at Microsoft. And a usual conversation goes in the direction of which is better Microsoft or Linux. Then the flames roll in from across the horizon, and everyone ends up agreeing in disagreeing. I’m planning to bring this fight to the next level. With any luck this will end up on the Linux Hater’s Blog. So in valiant attempt at freetard glory and to fire the next salvo in this eternal epic battle, I present the following:
The link to the original ZDNet Austrialia article is [here]. From this video we learn that: KDE 4 kicks ass (thanks KDE and Qt devs), Aussie geeks also have a sense of humour, people like flashy, swirly things, Windows 7 soooo ripped off KDE 4, and that we can learn absolutely nothing from silly experiments.
Moving In…
I migrated my blog to its new home here a few days ago. Already I feel a lot more comfortable than I ever did in Blogger. It feels like a moved from an apartment to a single family detached house. And yes I am liking it.
Like an new house owner, I am now in the getting settled in and “painting” mode. I’m experimenting with different professionally made themes. I’ll probably end up making my own sometime in the future. I cleaned out the glob of categories created, when I imported my data. So now I have a bunch of posts that I need to retag and re-categorize. I’ll work on that part slowly. I plan on putting up some my articles and setting up a gallery sometime in the future too. This is quite cool, and I am glad that all I needed to do is buying hosting in GoDaddy, set up a few options, install WordPress as a Hosted App and import my Blogger content. So painless and honestly a lot more fun then I thought it would be. Now if I can figure out this Drupal thing, my hosted web life would be total awesomeness.
justCheckers on Hold – Again – Kinda

justCheckers logo
I’m putting my involvement with the justCheckers project on hold for a while. Progress ground to a halt when I started to dig into the code. In its current state most of the application’s core functionality needs reworking. Meaning to go forward someone would need to reimplement slides and jumps that allows for multiple jumps and so-called “flying kings”. And the GUI needs refactoring to run in a multithreaded manner and with a main game event loop. I already devised the algorithms for the core game engine. But I need to translate that into real code. I plan on implement those eventually. But the amount of effort to reward doesn’t add up at the moment for me. So justCheckers will not be on my high priority list for the next little while.
Just to be clear, I am not abandoning the project. I still want to work on it. But there are higher priorities on my list. If anyone wants to step up to the plate and massage the code, I’ll gladly help. And when once I get my other higher priority tasks done, I will return to hacking on justCheckers.
A Review of January 2009
Every so often I like to look back and review my achievements. In the past I did it so rarely, that I just looked my current work and the few things I remembered made it look like I achieved little throughout the year. So I’ll try to do a quick review for January here.
In writing, I started to edit a bit of chapter 1 of my book. I planned on writing substantially more, but this didn’t occur as I didn’t work on my novel systematically. However I did manage to restart more or less daily updates to my blog. Now with the move to the new blogging application, I feel more productive and more in control. I still need to clean up and improve my blog since my migration from Blogger to WordPress. This next month, I plan on adding regular writing sessions for my novel.
In computing, did manage to purchase a new personal domain. I set up this WordPress blog on this too. I tried to setup clean URLs on my Drupal sites. But for all my attempts, I could not setup my Drupal multi-site as planned. Aside from a bit of maintenance, I still need to organize a good chunk of my files on my desktop at home. The Internet Tablet still needs to shine in terms of really boosting my productivity. For the time being, I use it more as a MSN client on the run and as a podcast-capable MP3 player. This month, I will need to set some time aside and add GTD task management as something I can do on my tablet. Also I plan on spending time organizing my desktop and digitized life.
I won’t get into my personal achievements. However I will mention that I am keeping up with regular communication with old good friends and some new ones. And I try to respond in reasonable amount of time. I still need to get a cellphone though. And the wintery weather prevented me from doing any driving. But I am keeping up with my resolution to eat my own cooked food and being ready for work consistently. And my finances are in check and all accounted for. This February, I need to keep at it, better controlling my stress levels and making sure I continue growing.
On the professional side, I haven’t achieved my goals of learning Qt, GTK, C++ or maemo development. Did however reviewed and strengthened my UML diagramming skills. I am becoming a better, more visibly calm and upbeat consultant. I still need learn to exude more calmness and in-control feeling. I am managing to avoid most potential disasters at work. So this month, I plan on brushing up and acquiring new programming skills.
Overall, I would consider January a month of personal growth. I can’t say I achieved 1/12 of everything I want to achieve this year. But I managed to get a sound base to start expanding upon. Some major projects still need to get off the ground. I will postpone and spend less time on a certain project, since it might not provide enough reward for the amount of effort put in. I still need to clear off the majority of minor tasks from earlier months. But on the whole I find myself a better, more approachable person and if nothing drastic happens in the next month, I should be able to continue on moving forward.
RMS Does Toronto
Richard Stallman, President and Founder of the FSF
Yesterday I got to finally meet Richard Stallman (RMS) in person. And yes, he is a way cooler dude than many in the “open source” gang say he is. The FSF announced a while back in a press release, that RMS would be speaking at UofT on the topic of copyrights in a networked world.
RMS lectured on the history, current politico-business problems with copyrights and some measures to fix them. I personally found his points interesting, and I’m interested in trying out some of his ideas. The brief period of exclusive commercialization and modification authorship rights versus long term exclusive publication rights for non-technical documentation is also pretty good. Also he briefly touched upon the need for a micro-donation payment method. Overall, a very interesting and engaging talk to a large student audience.
At the end of his presentation, he auctioned off a stuffed GNU and “Happy Hacking” t-shirt. Eventually the proposed prices became too steep for even myself, so I this morning I went on down over to the GNU/FSF’s online store and bought both for myself. Getting back to the evening, I also got RMS to autograph my copy of “Free Software, Free Society“. I highly recommend reading that book. Also RMS asked me personally to stop using the terms: open source and closed source. Not only are those terms misleading but they totally ignore the important issue of user and developer freedoms. So henceforth I’ll try to use the terms “libre software” or “free software” instead of “open source”. And “proprietary” for “closed source”. Also I got meet to Dave, one of the organizers of the event and DrProject developer. And Aaron one of attendees.
A big thanks to RMS, the FSF and the students who organized this event.
Viral Beatdowns
Anyone wondered what happened to me in the past few days? Well in case you missed my online presence, I had a nasty upper respiratory viral assault. So in order to support my immune defences, I had lay in bed and take medicine. Today is the first day that I’m back to my cheerful, attentive and self-aware self. Hence the silence for the past while.
So while my macrophages mop up the last of the intruders; I’ll start replying to everyone that messaged me in my absence. I know that inbox has at least 16 messages to sort through. And I don’t even want to think about my entire todo list and folder. 😛
Oh and by the way, I’m starting to seriously love WordPress. It is full of blogging goodness. Do you guys like the change too?
Attaining High-Earth Orbit
Welcome to my new blog. After fighting it out with Drupal, I decided to go with WordPress instead. I’m quite impressed the ease of install, permalinks work and everything. I can’t say the same about Drupal. But then again, these are two different tools for different purposes.
Enjoy the new blog.
Moving House and Home…
Please excuse the past few days of silence. But I’ll moving this blog/journal/collection of incohesive rants yet again.
The new home will be at my new brand new domain: https://dorianpula.ca/
Now at the moment of posting this message, the domain is not up. CIRA, you fail again. So for the next few days I’ll be working on putting up a new blog on that site, and copying over my content. I’ll keep this blog up for posterity though. However I will post new entries on the new site. Also I might be silent for a few days while I transition over.