- Days 36 to 38 of 2010: Visiting friends makes you lose track of time. Watched some action flicks. Need to get back on track. #
Author Archives: Dorian
A Day in the Life of Dorian for 2010-02-04
- Day 34 of 2010: For all my connectivity and productivity today, I didn’t get around to contacting everyone. Sorry. 🙁 #
A Day in the Life of Dorian for 2010-02-01
- Day 31 of 2010: End of the month. No more lugging around lumber for a bit. Slight progress in projects. Better luck next month? #
A Day in the Life of Dorian for 2010-01-31
- Day 30 of 2010: Shopping. Lots of shopping. No fun. #
A Day in the Life of Dorian for 2010-01-28
- Day 28 of 2010: Not a Mac. Nor a PC. Hackers do it with !Linux. #
- A short rapping lesson on economics: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d0nERTFo-Sk&feature=player_embedded #
- Now that #Sun has been gulped by the Big ‘O’, they HAD to change the !java websites. Not too pretty and have to find where everything went. #
- One stuffed developer. One stuffed computer. First thanks to delicious shawarma, second thanks to #Windows XP. #
Why Should Facebook Have All the Fun?
Hmm… this year I’m trying to come up with a quote per day for Facebook. But since Facebook is a bit like Vegas… what happens in Facebook, stays in Facebook. So I’m reposting stuff here. Also going to do this through Identi.ca
Day 28 of 2010: Not a Mac. Nor a PC. Hackers do it with Linux.
Day 27 of 2010: Feeling adventurious.
Day 26 of 2010: And there are days you’d prefer to wake up on some warm tropical beach…
Day 25 of 2010: An early start to a rainy day. Waiting for the sun to rise, and the rain to end.
Day 24 of 2010: Wanted to sleep all day. Cooking, cleaning and discussing happened instead.
Day 23 of 2010: A spot of volleyball, a blessing and a whole lot of cleaning. How was your day?
Day 22 of 2010: Namesday! Not like there is a feast day for any Saint Dorian today. But heck on this date, my name was in the calendar.
Day 21 of 2010: My Internet tablet/cellphone is on its way from LA. Escape from LA – Mobile Edition? 😉
Day 20 of 2010: Trying to clear my desk of various bits and tasks. Almost done my stint with databases at work. Looking forward to releasing a few new bits of code to clients and other interested parties.
Day 19 of 2010: Lots of writing today: profiles, updates, e-mails and unit test cases.
Day 18 of 2010: Persistence, Perserverance & Perchance things will not spontanenously combust.
Day 17 of 2010: Another Sunday to relax, meditate and catchup.
Day 16 of 2010: Hmm… A few ideas to pursue. But first I must deal with the aftermath of this week.
Day 15 of 2010: Apres moi, le deluge. Today is gonna be fun.
Day 14 of 2010: Inherited one big mess to tidy up.
Day 13 of 2010: Just my luck. Ill.
Day 12 of 2010: One should not debate philosophy with a philosophy professor. Especially if one isn’t going to bring out concrete history and theories. 😛
Day 11 of 2010: Chaos ensues. Reality quivers. Uncertainty grows. I’m good though.
Day 10 of 2010: Much work remains, but will it really be a gamechanger or just a labour of ‘love’?
Day 9 of 2010: Red, red wine. Stay close to me… (Apologies to UB40)
Day 8 of 2010: Nope, I’ve got nothing for you today. 😛
Day 7 of 2010: The champagne effect has worn off. This year is starting to look like any other year.
Day 6 of 2010: Priorities, priorities, priorities.
Day 5 of 2010: Sometimes the fastest way to resolve a problem is by sending a rhino (or rhino equivalent) after it.
Day 4 of 2010: The realization that while friends may have robotic punches, may cause people to think you too are a robot. Does that compute for you, human?
Day 3 of 2010. Resolution: Come up with even wittier status updates. 🙂
Out with the Old
I’m preparing for what I hope will be a new phase in my life. And one of the things I need for this change is a revised online presence. I’ve experimented with various ideas and concepts. And I want to try and implement them in my life.
One of the first to feel the changes, will be my blogging. I deleted my old Blogspot blog. All the content exists on this website anyways. Also I’m planning to make this blog more into a portfolio, than just a blog straight up. The blog obviously will be accessible, just not on the front page. Also I’m thinking of doing some ExtJS magic and build a new AJAXy theme. So if the site breaks, you know what I’ve been up to.
On another note, I’m getting back to developing justCheckers into reality. And on the side playing around with the newly revived Pyzzle game engine.
Drowsy Perspective
It seems that coffee has failed to awaken my drowsy brain. So apologies to my readers if this blog comes out lopsided. I’ve come to a number of realizations after a long evening conversation with a very good friend of mine. Hence the need for copious amounts of coffee. And the ever present drowsiness. Also this post may come off as a jumbled stream of consciousness. My neurons aren’t synapsing in sync today…
Recently, I’ve posted quite a lot in the form of micro-blogs or ‘dents as all the crazy identi.ca kids call them. This is a fun but honestly distracting diversion. So I’m going to give identi.ca a rest for a bit. Same goes with daily blogging in any form. I will post things of interests and tidbits on this blog once in a while. And once in a while, when inspiration hits me I post an actual blog entry. But I won’t rack my brains to post a daily update. This is not because nothing interesting goes on in my life. Rather much of what goes on must remain in the privacy that is afford only to close friends and clients. Also many things only make sense in a context, that must be experienced rather than described. Finally, my interest currently lies with my projects and my writing. And I want to concentrate on those things first and foremost. I’ll still take up the challenge offered by Ryan, one of my former classmates. I’ll post a new status update on Facebook for each day of 2010. It’ll be mostly cryptic passages, but there will be one per day.
Another realization is that how futile it is to emulate things and joys of old. There somethings that can be moved forward with time. Some things just don’t. It seems that long philosophical wanderings, while fun and enjoyable are not something I’ll be able to keep. I’ll do it on occasion. But honestly, I realize that as asinine as this sounds: I know what I already need to know about many of the big things. And many times I find myself trying to change things that are beyond my means. Or at least arguing the case for said change. Most of the important questions can be boiled down to a simple individual questions. And those questions are relatively easy to answer with a combination of faith, logic and experience. Everything else is honestly just “frosting”. And that frosting just detracts from the important stuff many times. (I’ve started rambling haven’t I?)
Another realization is that there are many important changes I want to happen in my life. And these will take time and effort. And concentration. So I’m putting aside all the little distractions and trying to concentrate on the important things. It is a bit scary when it feels like many of your friends seem more like adults than yourself. I know that everyone feels this from time to time. I have no qualms saying that I’m not a special unique butterfly with experiences unshared by anyone else. Still it is an unnerving thought that one is not living up to one’s full potential. And that your close friends are. It is time to catch up.
In conclusion, so I can finish this… (If you ever wondered what the wandering mind of an author looks like first thing in the morning. ) I’m taking a hiatus on my distractions. I’m sorry that I can’t manage to post daily updates. I’ll try to see what I can do. But honestly, in the bigger scheme of things, my daily blog ponderings and activities are not all that important. And I need to concentrate on the important things. Once things fall into place, I’ll probably return to something more regular.
Time for the third cup of coffee.
A Day in the Life of Dorian for 2010-01-09
- Hmm… A quick go at a TODO list shall we? #
A Day in the Life of Dorian for 2010-01-08
- Shit. Those naked scanners really are naked scanners: http://www.lewrockwell.com/blog/lewrw/archives/46711.html #
- I think the fight between handset makers versus carrier is long overdue. #Google isn’t the first here. #Nokia has tried too. #shotofjaq #